Adventures in Tarot~

Adventures in Tarot ~ Stories, Deck & Book Reviews, Card Insights and Reflections, Giveaways and a Library of Real Readings.

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Thursday, April 11, 2024

Learning to Read Tarot: Example Reading

 One of the popular spreads that people like to choose from my list of spreads is the Elemental spread. And that is great because I really like this spread as well. It covers all areas of life with just 5 cards.

Often those who are new to tarot have trouble putting the cards together in a cohesive way. Sometimes readings are easy to put together, sometimes not so much; but they do not need to be! Each card in each position can be a stand alone! There is also a school of thought that the cards in the spread should tell a story and that is just not the case. In all my years of reading tarot I have had maybe a half dozen readings present in a story manner. 

So with that... I go through the archives of readings I have done for free and present one for you to study.

But first a quick breakdown of the spread positions and the position'f focus. The elemental spread is much like the suits and those associations.

  • FIRE: inspiration, passion, drive, swift powerful energy
  • EARTH: material/physical, resources, skills, home/body
  • AIR: thoughts, ideas, communications
  • WATER: feelings, emotions, intuition
  • ETHER: Universe; overview, cosmic forces

The Elemental Spread ~ Hidden Folk deck

FIre - 6 of Swords RX

Earth - King of Pentacles

Air - 3 of Wands

Water 4 of Cups RX

Ether - Knight of Swords

The Six of Swords in the Fire position is expressing that you are feeling hindered or blocked in some way, this could be more about the limitations that you are putting on yourself as in what excuses are you making or what self-talk that is negative. Are you telling yourself, “I can’t” about something? Is there something that has happened that you feel has you stuck or has set you back and you feel like you are not able to move past it?

The King of Pentacles in the Earth position is about taking control of things, physically and financially… so we have a reading about money. The king is telling you that you are to get to it! Work hard and hustle. This is about getting things done and making things happen. Those excuses and such from the first card… this kind smashes them because there is nothing that will stop him, This is an unstoppable determination that does not stop until the goal is met.

The 3 of Wands in the air position is about going/ doing something new and trusting your intuition! Look at what needs to be done, what you want to do, as some grand adventure. This is taking an unconventional approach to problems and out of the box thinking. This is just going forth without worries but at the same time having a plan when you come up against some sort of obstacle that has you able to go around or overcome those challenges. This is an IDGF attitude that just goes forward without any sort of apprehension. Now this does not mean going blindly, this just means doing with the KNOWING that you will accomplish what you set out to do. It will be fun! Challenges and all!

Water position has a water card, in reverse. The 4 of Cups is about being in a state that is internal and not very productive. Introvert, unmotivated, passive… think Eeyore. But this card is reversed… shed this stagnate state of being. Jump up, jump in and jump to it! This is a moving and a shaking. So the ‘story’ I am seeing is that maybe you are in a slight state of depression or just energetically down and this is having an impact on things materially (and romantically if this is the case). This card is what turns that all around and is saying ‘WAKE UP!’ …. With the King, this is going out and getting what it is you want. Stop being stuck, don’t let any excuses or such stop you from taking action. You will FEEL so much better.

Knight of Swords lands in the position of Ether, the all, the Universe, the soul, the energy… This guy is the ‘just do it’ guy… right or wrong, he has it in his head that he will tackle it all. He might, he might not but that does not bother him as he knows it is all a life lesson. This card echos so much of the other cards that it is perfect sitting here. This is the unstoppable energy of the King of Pentacles, this is ‘dumb fearlessness’ that has him unhindered by anything. “Don’t know, don’t care” in a manner of speaking. While that phrase sounds negative, in context of thinking ‘what can stop you? (6 of Swords in reverse) it is very positive. ‘What can stop you?’

“Don’t know and don’t care.” That attitude is the attitude of the 3 of Wands… It’s an adventure and process… care about it when it is happening but until then, not going to think about something that is not happening in the here and now. Cross that bridge when you come to it. 

This card is the sum of all the cards and points the way, the direction that things should be going according to what you want. 

(6 Sw rx) This guy does not down-talk himself, nope… he is annoyingly arrogant! But that thinking is powerful when used the right way.  

(KoP) This guy is so ready to go and knows what he wants and wont stop until he gets it He always finds a way.

(3 Wd) This guy has an exuberant energy that  gladly takes on the challenge like it is a game and goes bravely into the unknown.

(4 Cp rx) This guy takes his feelings and puts a plan to it. He makes his dreams into a reality.